Fat Duck Melbourne: Flash ban at Heston Blumenthal’s Crown eatery

SUPERCHEF Heston Blumenthal has laid down the law for diners planning to “foodstagram” their meal at the Fat Duck Melbourne.
As the world-famous eatery prepares to open its doors at Crown Resorts on Tuesday, a spokeswoman for Blumenthal said guests would be allowed to take pictures of the 15-courses prepared by Heston and his team.
“It’s the world we live in now,” a spokeswoman told Confidential.
But there are ground rules.
“Diners can capture their experience as long as it doesn’t affect the other guests’ dining experience or interfere with service.
“We avoid flash photography, and guests shifting around the dishes and standing to shoot.
“However,” the spokeswoman added, “we appreciate it’s a special occasion and will ensure the guests can capture every moment.”
The rules for Insta-braggers follow bans imposed on diners clicking over their plates at several restaurants in New York and Paris.
The Fat Duck, which is open until August, will serve 14,000 diners during its six-month stay at Southbank. It has a $525 set menu and Heston is promising “four hours of pure food theatre”.
Heston told Confidential: “Think playful, fun, excitement interaction. No pomposity.”
Fat Duck Melbourne also offers a four-seat chef’s table in the kitchen. “You’ll have that communication, that connection, that excitement.”
The three Michelin-star chef arrived back in Melbourne late last week and attended a Skinny Duck charity event in St Kilda.
Originally published as No flashing allowed at Fat Duck
Tag : Foods, Health
! Article Title "Fat Duck Melbourne: Flash ban at Heston Blumenthal’s Crown eatery"

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